Big Data: Challenges for Cartographers
31. března 2023
V rámci přednášek programu Erasmus+ vystoupí na našem ústavu
Prof. Dr. Eng. Temenoujka Bandrova
Head of the Department of Photogrammetry and Cartography UACEG, Sofia, Bulgaria
Vice President, International Cartographic Association
President, Bulgarian Cartographic Association
Treasurer, Bureau Member, International Society for Digital Earth
s tématem Big Data: Challenges for Cartographers
Content of the Lecture:
BD definitions, Characteristics of BD, Small Data Vs Big Data,
BD in Cartographical aspect- challenges for cartographers
The presented lecture will give impulses to improve the achieved results and will
activate discussions on how to make 3D mapping more useful and attractive for map users
přednáška se koná v angličtině: místnost Z4 10:00
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